Mudaraba Term Deposit Account is based on Islamic Shari’ah mode of ‘Mudaraba ’. Mudaraba is a partnership in profit whereby one party provides capital, called ‘Rab al-Mal’ and the other party provides labour, known as ‘Mudarib’ for the purpose of doing Shair’ah permissible trade and commerce. The management of business is the exclusive responsibility of the Mudarib. Under Mudaraba principle, the profit generated is shared as per predetermined ratio between the Rab al-Mal and the Mudarib. In case of loss, the Rab al-Mal bears the entire amount of loss.
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Mudaraba Hajj Savings Scheme is a monthly savings scheme, based on ‘Mudaraba’ principle, which will enable a male/female to build up fund for meeting Hajj related expenses and perform the Holy Hajj.
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Mudaraba Deposit Pension Account is a monthly savings scheme, based on ‘Mudaraba ’ principle, for creating and opportunity for the depositors ensuring savings on monthly instalment basis for their future financial security and welfare. Under Mudaraba Deposit Pension Account , the depositor is the ‘Rab al-Mal’ and the Bank is the ‘Mudarib’ of the Mudaraba Depositors.
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Mudaraba Monthly Profit Deposit Scheme Account (MMPDSA) is based on Islamic Shari’ah mode of ‘Mudaraba ’. Mudaraba is a partnership in profit whereby one party provides capital, called ‘Rab al-Mal’ and the other party provides labour, known as ‘Mudarib’ for the purpose of doing Shari’ah permissible trade and commerce. The management of business is the exclusive responsibility of the `Mudarib’. Under Mudaraba principle, the profit generated is shared as per predetermined ratio between the `Rab al-Mal’ and the `Mudarib. In case of loss, the `Rab al-Mal’ bears the entire amount of loss.
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Mudaraba Bibaho Savings Scheme is a monthly savings scheme, based on ‘Mudaraba principle, which will enable to build up fund for meeting Bibaho related expenses including payment of Mohor to the bride by the bridegroom.
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Perpetual Cash Waqf Account is a special account for perpetual ongoing charity based on Mudaraba principle of Islamic Shariah. Through this account, any adult person of sound mind can spend the profit earned by keeping a one-time deposit according to his ability for himself, heirs or for the welfare of humanity by himself or through the bank.
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Temporary Cash Waqf Account is a special account for temporary charity based on Mudaraba principle of Islamic Shariah. Through this account, any adult person of sound mind can spend the profit earned by keeping a one-time deposit for a certain period of time according to his ability for himself, heirs or for the welfare of humanity by himself or through the bank.
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